
Evidence Based Practices

At Rosebery Primary School, we believe in differentiating our learning programs. This means that the learning programs should cater for the individual needs and interests of all of our students.

How this works in our school is that teachers prepare programs each term that are firstly reflective of:

  • Who the students are. (ie, What are their strengths and weaknesses? What are their collective interests? What are their social needs? )
  • How our students are performing. (ie, What evidence do we have or need about academic levels? What gaps are there in our students’ learning? What trends can we see in our student groups?)

Teachers examine these key areas by developing the first section of their program which is titled “Student Profiles”. It is this evidence which becomes the platform for setting learning targets, selecting learning activities and determining assessment strategies.

So how is this different? We believe this approach accelerates student learning by providing real student-centred programs. Our teachers don’t simply pull out the same units of literacy, numeracy and science work that they may have taught at the same time in previous years. Our programs are reflective of our students and this drives up engagement. For instance, if we have a group of students with a particular need in reading and a particular interest in dinosaurs – then you can bet our teachers are looking for ways to effectively tailor the program to address and include both.

Evidence Based Programming means that all Rosebery PS students are being catered for, no matter the level at which they come to the curriculum. Whether they be gifted in particular areas or struggling in others, our teachers will know and will skillfully strategise to move forward with your child on a truly meaningful learning journey.